Information Security Policy Templates

Security Policy Review

1. Introduction

Purpose and Scope:

This Security Policy Review template outlines the process for systematically evaluating the effectiveness and relevance of the organization's Information Security Policy (ISP) in light of changing business requirements, risks, and the evolving threat landscape.

Relevance to ISO 27001:2022:

The ISO 27001:2022 standard mandates regular review and updating of the Information Security Management System (ISMS), including the ISP. This template provides a structured framework for conducting comprehensive Security Policy Reviews, ensuring ongoing compliance with the standard.

2. Key Components:

Main Sections/Elements:

  • Policy Scope and Objectives: Evaluating the current scope and objectives of the ISP against the organization's overall business strategy and risk profile.
  • Compliance with Legal & Regulatory Requirements: Assessing the ISP's alignment with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
  • Risk Assessment and Control Effectiveness: Reviewing the ISP's effectiveness in addressing identified risks and ensuring the adequacy of implemented controls.
  • Alignment with Information Security Framework: Evaluating the ISP's integration with the organization's overall Information Security Framework, including the ISMS and other policies.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Communication: Assessing the ISP's clarity, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness in communicating security responsibilities and expectations to all stakeholders.
  • Policy Implementation and Maintenance: Evaluating the effectiveness of procedures for implementing and maintaining the ISP.
  • Continuous Improvement: Identifying areas for improvement and recommending specific actions to enhance the ISP's effectiveness.

3. Detailed Content:

Policy Scope and Objectives:

Explanation: This section analyzes the current scope and objectives of the ISP to ensure they are aligned with the organization's business objectives, strategic goals, and risk appetite.

Best Practices:

  • Conduct a gap analysis between the ISP's scope and the organization's current business activities, including new products, services, and technologies.
  • Reassess the ISP's objectives to ensure they remain relevant and attainable given the organization's current risk profile and priorities.
  • Consider aligning the ISP's objectives with key performance indicators (KPIs) and measurement metrics.


Scenario: An organization has recently expanded its operations to include a new cloud-based platform.

Action: The Security Policy Review should assess whether the ISP's scope adequately covers the cloud environment, including data security, access controls, and incident response procedures.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to review the ISP's scope regularly to reflect changes in the organization's business activities.
  • Setting unrealistic or outdated objectives for the ISP.
  • Neglecting to align the ISP's scope and objectives with the organization's overall risk management strategy.

Compliance with Legal & Regulatory Requirements:

Explanation: This section verifies the ISP's compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and others.

Best Practices:

  • Maintain a comprehensive list of relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Regularly update the list to reflect any changes in legislation or regulations.
  • Conduct a thorough review of the ISP to ensure it addresses all applicable requirements.
  • Consider incorporating a legal review by external counsel to ensure compliance.


Scenario: An organization is subject to the GDPR and needs to ensure its ISP complies with data privacy requirements.

Action: The Security Policy Review should assess whether the ISP adequately covers data protection principles, including data minimization, lawful processing, and subject rights.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to keep up-to-date with changes in legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Overlooking specific requirements applicable to the organization's industry or operations.
  • Not seeking legal counsel for clarification or guidance on complex legal issues.

Risk Assessment and Control Effectiveness:

Explanation: This section evaluates the ISP's effectiveness in addressing identified risks and the adequacy of implemented controls.

Best Practices:

  • Review the organization's risk register and ensure that the ISP adequately addresses all significant information security risks.
  • Assess the effectiveness of implemented controls in mitigating identified risks.
  • Consider conducting a control self-assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of controls from a practical perspective.


Scenario: An organization identified a significant risk related to unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Action: The Security Policy Review should verify that the ISP clearly defines access control procedures, including authentication, authorization, and role-based access control, to effectively mitigate this risk.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to keep the risk register up-to-date and incorporate new threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Not adequately assessing the effectiveness of implemented controls.
  • Neglecting to consider the potential for control weaknesses and failure.

Alignment with Information Security Framework:

Explanation: This section ensures the ISP is consistent with the organization's overall Information Security Framework, including the ISMS and other policies.

Best Practices:

  • Review the organization's ISMS documentation, including policies, procedures, and standards.
  • Ensure that the ISP is aligned with other relevant security policies, such as the data privacy policy, acceptable use policy, and incident response policy.
  • Consider creating a cross-referencing matrix to map the ISP's requirements to other relevant security documents.


Scenario: The organization has a data privacy policy that outlines procedures for handling personal information.

Action: The Security Policy Review should assess whether the ISP is consistent with the data privacy policy, particularly regarding data protection principles and procedures for handling sensitive data.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to ensure that the ISP is consistent with other security documents and policies.
  • Creating unnecessary duplication or inconsistencies between policies.
  • Neglecting to review and update the ISP to reflect changes in the organization's Information Security Framework.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication:

Explanation: This section analyzes the ISP's clarity, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness in communicating security responsibilities and expectations to all stakeholders.

Best Practices:

  • Conduct interviews and surveys with stakeholders to gather feedback on the ISP's clarity, relevance, and ease of understanding.
  • Ensure the ISP is written in plain language and avoids technical jargon.
  • Develop communication materials and training programs to educate stakeholders on the ISP's requirements and their security responsibilities.


Scenario: The organization receives feedback that employees find the current ISP difficult to understand.

Action: The Security Policy Review should recommend revising the ISP to use clearer language, provide examples, and develop supporting training materials to enhance stakeholder comprehension.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Neglecting to engage with stakeholders to understand their needs and perspectives.
  • Writing the ISP in complex or technical language that is difficult for stakeholders to understand.
  • Failing to provide adequate training and communication on the ISP's requirements.

Policy Implementation and Maintenance:

Explanation: This section evaluates the effectiveness of procedures for implementing and maintaining the ISP.

Best Practices:

  • Review the organization's implementation procedures for the ISP.
  • Ensure that the ISP is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the organization's business activities, technology, and the threat landscape.
  • Establish a clear process for documenting and approving changes to the ISP.


Scenario: The organization has a decentralized approach to implementing the ISP, with different departments responsible for their own security controls.

Action: The Security Policy Review should assess the effectiveness of this decentralized approach and recommend improvements to ensure consistent implementation and monitoring of the ISP across all departments.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to establish clear procedures for implementing the ISP.
  • Neglecting to review and update the ISP on a regular basis.
  • Lacking a structured process for documenting and approving changes to the ISP.

Continuous Improvement:

Explanation: This section identifies areas for improvement and recommends specific actions to enhance the ISP's effectiveness.

Best Practices:

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the findings from the Security Policy Review.
  • Identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the ISP and develop recommendations for improvement.
  • Prioritize recommendations based on the severity of the identified gaps and their potential impact on the organization's information security.


Scenario: The Security Policy Review identified a lack of specific guidance on using strong passwords.

Action: The review should recommend updating the ISP to include clear requirements for password complexity, length, and frequency of changes.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Failing to identify and prioritize areas for improvement.
  • Developing vague or unrealistic recommendations for improvement.
  • Neglecting to implement recommended changes to the ISP.

4. Implementation Guidelines:

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Plan the Review:

  • Define the scope and objectives of the review.
  • Identify the stakeholders involved.
  • Develop a review timeline and schedule.
  • Gather relevant documentation.

2. Conduct the Review:

  • Analyze the ISP against the criteria outlined in this template.
  • Identify any gaps, inconsistencies, or areas for improvement.
  • Document findings and evidence.

3. Develop Recommendations:

  • Propose specific actions to address identified gaps and improve the ISP's effectiveness.
  • Prioritize recommendations based on their impact and feasibility.

4. Implement Recommendations:

  • Implement approved recommendations to update the ISP.
  • Document the implementation process.
  • Communicate changes to stakeholders.

5. Review and Update:

  • Regularly review the ISP to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
  • Update the ISP based on changes in the organization's business, risks, and the threat landscape.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Information Security Officer: Responsible for leading the Security Policy Review process.
  • Risk Management Team: Responsible for identifying and assessing risks and providing input on the ISP.
  • Policy Owners: Responsible for reviewing and updating the ISP.
  • Stakeholders: Responsible for providing feedback on the ISP and implementing relevant security controls.

5. Monitoring and Review:

Monitoring Effectiveness:

  • Track the implementation of recommendations and assess their impact on the ISP's effectiveness.
  • Conduct regular reviews of the ISP to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with the organization's business objectives, risks, and the threat landscape.
  • Collect stakeholder feedback on the ISP and its implementation.

Frequency and Process for Reviewing and Updating:

  • The ISP should be reviewed and updated at least annually, or more frequently if significant changes occur in the organization's business, risks, or the threat landscape.
  • The review process should include a formal evaluation of the ISP's effectiveness, identification of areas for improvement, and implementation of necessary changes.

6. Related Documents:

  • Information Security Management System (ISMS) Documentation
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Data Privacy Policy
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Acceptable Use Policy

7. Compliance Considerations:

ISO 27001:2022 Clauses and Controls:

  • Clause 5.3: Information Security Policy
  • Clause 6.1: Risk Management
  • Clause 7.1: Control Objectives and Controls
  • Clause 9.1: Internal Audit
  • Clause 10.2: Management Review

Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

  • GDPR
  • Other industry-specific regulations

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Lack of Time and Resources: Allocate sufficient time and resources for the Security Policy Review. Consider leveraging existing tools and processes.
  • Resistance to Change: Engage stakeholders early and communicate the benefits of a comprehensive and up-to-date ISP.
  • Difficulty in Defining Scope and Objectives: Conduct a thorough analysis of the organization's business and risk profile to define the ISP's scope and objectives.
  • Insufficient Information Security Expertise: Seek assistance from external consultants or professionals with expertise in ISO 27001 and information security.

This template provides a comprehensive framework for conducting Security Policy Reviews that meet the requirements of ISO 27001:2022. Organizations can adapt this template to their specific needs and context, ensuring their Information Security Policy remains relevant, effective, and compliant.