Information Security Policy Templates

Secure Development Practices

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose and Scope

This document outlines a comprehensive set of Secure Development Practices (SDP) for [Insert Organization Name]. Its purpose is to establish a structured approach for developing secure software applications, systems, and services while aligning with the principles of ISO 27001:2022. The scope of these practices covers all phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), from requirements gathering to deployment and ongoing maintenance.

1.2. Relevance to ISO 27001:2022

Secure Development Practices are crucial for achieving Information Security Management System (ISMS) objectives and demonstrating compliance with ISO 27001:2022. This document is directly relevant to the following controls:

  • A.10.1.1 Information Security Policies: Defines policies for secure software development and aligns with overall ISMS policies.
  • A.10.1.2 Secure Software Acquisition: Ensures secure software selection and acquisition.
  • A.10.1.3 Secure Software Development: Outlines practices for developing secure applications.
  • A.10.1.4 Secure Software Maintenance: Establishes procedures for secure software updates and maintenance.
  • A.10.1.5 Secure Software Configuration: Defines secure configuration practices for software applications.
  • A.10.2.1 Secure Software Development Lifecycle: Implements a secure SDLC framework.
  • A.10.2.2 Secure Software Design: Enforces secure design principles and methodologies.
  • A.10.2.3 Secure Software Coding: Promotes secure coding practices and standards.
  • A.10.2.4 Secure Software Testing: Implements comprehensive security testing throughout the SDLC.
  • A.10.2.5 Secure Software Deployment: Ensures secure software deployment and integration.
  • A.10.2.6 Secure Software Operation: Defines secure operations practices for maintaining and managing software applications.

2. Key Components

The following sections represent the key components of our Secure Development Practices:

  • 2.1 Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • 2.2 Threat Modelling & Risk Assessment
  • 2.3 Secure Coding Practices
  • 2.4 Security Testing
  • 2.5 Secure Configuration & Deployment
  • 2.6 Security Awareness & Training
  • 2.7 Vulnerability Management & Patching
  • 2.8 Secure Development Tools and Processes

3. Detailed Content

3.1 Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

  • In-depth Explanation: The SDLC defines a structured approach to software development, encompassing all stages from requirements gathering to deployment and ongoing maintenance. A secure SDLC integrates security considerations into each phase to prevent vulnerabilities and ensure the development of robust, secure software.
  • Best Practices:
  • Define and document a secure SDLC framework: This framework should clearly define the security requirements, responsibilities, and processes for each stage of the SDLC.
  • Involve security experts early: Security professionals should be involved from the beginning of the project to ensure security considerations are integrated into the development process.
  • Conduct regular security reviews: Security reviews should be conducted throughout the SDLC to identify and address potential vulnerabilities early on.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Requirements Gathering: During the requirements gathering phase, security requirements, such as authentication, authorization, and data confidentiality, are defined and documented.
  • Design: The design phase incorporates security principles like least privilege, secure communication protocols, and secure data storage to ensure the architecture is robust and secure.
  • Development: During development, secure coding practices are enforced, and code reviews are performed to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Testing: Comprehensive security testing is conducted at various stages of development, including penetration testing, static code analysis, and dynamic analysis.
  • Deployment: Secure deployment processes are established to minimize risks associated with deployment and integration.
  • Maintenance: Security updates and patches are applied promptly to address known vulnerabilities and maintain the security of the software.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Ignoring security until the end: This leads to costly rework and increased vulnerability risks.
  • Insufficient security expertise: Lack of security expertise within the development team can lead to security gaps.
  • Skipping security testing: Inadequate testing increases the likelihood of vulnerabilities escaping detection.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Define a secure SDLC framework.
  • Develop and implement secure coding standards.
  • Conduct security training for development staff.
  • Integrate security testing throughout the SDLC.
  • Establish a process for reviewing and updating the SDLC.
  • Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Security Team: Responsible for providing security guidance, reviewing designs and code, conducting security testing, and approving security updates.
  • Development Team: Responsible for incorporating security considerations into the development process, adhering to secure coding practices, and conducting security testing.
  • Operations Team: Responsible for deploying, maintaining, and monitoring software systems.

3.2 Threat Modelling & Risk Assessment

  • In-depth Explanation: Threat modelling is a proactive technique to identify and assess potential threats and vulnerabilities in a software system. It involves understanding the system's assets, attack surfaces, potential threats, and vulnerabilities. Risk assessment evaluates the likelihood and impact of these threats, helping prioritize security measures.
  • Best Practices:
  • Conduct threat modelling throughout the SDLC: Threat modelling should be performed at various stages, including design, development, and deployment.
  • Use a structured threat modelling methodology: Several methodologies exist, such as STRIDE, PASTA, and Threat Modeling for Web Applications.
  • Document the threat model and risk assessments: The results of threat modelling and risk assessments should be documented and reviewed regularly.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Scenario: A web application that allows users to manage their financial accounts.
  • Assets: User accounts, financial data, sensitive information.
  • Attack Surface: Web application, APIs, database servers.
  • Threats: Cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, unauthorized access, data breaches.
  • Vulnerabilities: Weak password policies, insecure authentication, lack of input validation.
  • Mitigation: Implementing secure authentication, input validation, data encryption, and security audits.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Ignoring threat modelling: Assuming the system is secure without thorough threat modelling.
  • Overlooking potential threats: Failing to identify all potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Insufficient risk assessment: Ignoring the likelihood and impact of threats, resulting in inadequate security measures.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Train development teams on threat modelling techniques.
  • Develop and implement a threat modelling methodology.
  • Regularly conduct threat modelling exercises.
  • Review and update threat models based on system changes and emerging threats.

3.3 Secure Coding Practices

  • In-depth Explanation: Secure coding practices involve implementing coding techniques that minimize vulnerabilities and strengthen software security. This includes using secure libraries, validating input, and implementing secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Best Practices:
  • Develop and enforce secure coding standards: Define a set of secure coding guidelines and standards for all developers to follow.
  • Use secure development tools: Employ code analysis tools to identify potential vulnerabilities and enforce secure coding practices.
  • Conduct code reviews: Peer review and code walkthroughs help identify vulnerabilities missed during development.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Scenario: A web application that accepts user input to search for products.
  • Vulnerability: SQL injection vulnerability due to insufficient input validation.
  • Mitigation: Using parameterized queries or prepared statements to prevent malicious SQL code injection.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Ignoring secure coding practices: Failing to use secure coding techniques, leading to vulnerabilities.
  • Lack of consistent code review: Inadequate code reviews allow vulnerabilities to slip through the cracks.
  • Overlooking code complexity: Complex code is more prone to vulnerabilities.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Develop and document secure coding standards and guidelines.
  • Provide secure coding training to developers.
  • Use secure coding analysis tools.
  • Implement a process for conducting code reviews.

3.4 Security Testing

  • In-depth Explanation: Security testing is essential to identify and address vulnerabilities before software deployment. This includes a range of testing techniques, such as penetration testing, static code analysis, and dynamic analysis.
  • Best Practices:
  • Integrate security testing throughout the SDLC: Conduct security testing at various stages, including design, development, and deployment.
  • Use a combination of testing techniques: Employ a variety of testing methods to capture different types of vulnerabilities.
  • Document testing results and remediation efforts: Track identified vulnerabilities, mitigation efforts, and security improvements.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Scenario: A mobile banking application.
  • Security testing:
  • Penetration testing: Simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities in the application's security controls.
  • Static code analysis: Analyzing the source code for potential vulnerabilities without executing the application.
  • Dynamic analysis: Evaluating the application's behavior at runtime to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Remediation: Addressing identified vulnerabilities through code fixes and security updates.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Insufficient testing coverage: Failing to test all critical aspects of the application.
  • Skipping testing stages: Neglecting testing during development or deployment.
  • Ignoring test results: Failing to address identified vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Develop a comprehensive security testing plan.
  • Establish a process for reporting and addressing vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct security testing regularly throughout the SDLC.
  • Use appropriate security testing tools and techniques.

3.5 Secure Configuration & Deployment

  • In-depth Explanation: Secure configuration and deployment involve establishing secure settings and configurations for software systems and ensuring their secure deployment. This includes hardening systems, implementing secure communication protocols, and using secure deployment tools.
  • Best Practices:
  • Define secure configuration baselines: Establish a set of secure configuration settings for all software systems.
  • Use secure deployment tools: Employ automated tools to deploy software systems securely and consistently.
  • Monitor system configurations: Regularly monitor configurations to ensure they remain secure.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Scenario: Deploying a web application on a server.
  • Secure Configuration:
  • Hardening the server: Disabling unnecessary services, applying security patches, and setting strong passwords.
  • Configuring secure communication protocols: Using HTTPS for all communication and implementing SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Securing database access: Limiting access to the database and using strong authentication mechanisms.
  • Secure Deployment:
  • Using automated deployment tools: To ensure consistency and minimize manual errors during deployment.
  • Verifying deployment integrity: Validating the deployed software against the secure configuration baseline.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Incomplete configuration hardening: Failing to disable unnecessary services or apply security patches.
  • Using default configurations: Deploying systems with default settings, which often contain security vulnerabilities.
  • Manual deployment errors: Human errors during manual deployment processes.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Develop secure configuration baselines for all software systems.
  • Implement secure deployment procedures and processes.
  • Use secure deployment tools and techniques.
  • Monitor system configurations regularly for changes.

3.6 Security Awareness & Training

  • In-depth Explanation: Security awareness and training are crucial for empowering developers and other stakeholders to understand and adopt secure development practices. This involves providing relevant training and promoting security awareness within the organization.
  • Best Practices:
  • Provide ongoing security awareness training: Regularly educate developers on secure coding practices, threat modelling, and vulnerability management.
  • Conduct security awareness campaigns: Raise awareness about security risks and best practices through internal communications and events.
  • Promote a security culture: Foster a security-conscious mindset within the development team.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Security Awareness Training: A training program that covers topics such as secure coding practices, common vulnerabilities, threat modelling, and secure development best practices.
  • Security Awareness Campaign: A campaign to raise awareness about phishing attacks, social engineering, and other security threats.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Lack of ongoing training: Failing to provide regular security training to keep developers updated.
  • Insufficient training content: Providing inadequate or outdated security information.
  • Ignoring security awareness campaigns: Neglecting to promote a security-conscious culture within the organization.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Develop a security awareness training program.
  • Conduct regular security awareness campaigns.
  • Encourage employees to report security incidents.
  • Promote a culture of security within the organization.

3.7 Vulnerability Management & Patching

  • In-depth Explanation: Vulnerability management involves identifying, assessing, and addressing vulnerabilities in software applications and systems. This includes applying security patches, implementing mitigation measures, and managing vulnerabilities throughout their lifecycle.
  • Best Practices:
  • Establish a vulnerability management process: Define a structured process for identifying, assessing, and addressing vulnerabilities.
  • Use vulnerability scanning tools: Employ automated tools to scan for vulnerabilities and identify potential threats.
  • Apply security patches promptly: Patch software systems regularly to address known vulnerabilities.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Scenario: A vulnerability is discovered in a web application.
  • Vulnerability Management Process:
  • Identify the vulnerability: Using vulnerability scanning tools or reports.
  • Assess the risk: Determining the likelihood and impact of the vulnerability.
  • Remediate the vulnerability: Implementing a patch or other mitigation measures.
  • Monitor the vulnerability: Tracking the effectiveness of remediation efforts and ensuring ongoing protection.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Delaying vulnerability patching: Neglecting to apply security patches promptly, increasing the risk of exploitation.
  • Insufficient vulnerability assessment: Failing to adequately assess the risks posed by vulnerabilities.
  • Ignoring vulnerability management processes: Lacking a structured approach to vulnerability management.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Develop a vulnerability management policy and procedures.
  • Implement a vulnerability scanning program.
  • Establish a process for applying security patches promptly.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of vulnerability management efforts.

3.8 Secure Development Tools and Processes

  • In-depth Explanation: Secure development tools and processes are essential for supporting and automating various aspects of secure development practices. This includes code analysis tools, security testing tools, vulnerability scanners, and secure deployment tools.
  • Best Practices:
  • Choose secure development tools carefully: Select tools that are effective, reliable, and meet the organization's specific needs.
  • Integrate tools into the SDLC: Integrate secure development tools seamlessly into the development workflow to promote efficiency.
  • Regularly review and update tools: Ensure that tools are kept up-to-date to support the latest security standards and best practices.
  • Detailed Example:
  • Code Analysis Tools: Using tools like SonarQube or Fortify to automatically analyze code for vulnerabilities and enforce secure coding practices.
  • Security Testing Tools: Employing tools like Burp Suite or ZAP to perform penetration testing and identify vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Scanners: Implementing vulnerability scanners like Nessus or OpenVAS to regularly scan for vulnerabilities in software systems.
  • Secure Deployment Tools: Utilizing tools like Chef or Puppet to automate secure software deployment and configuration.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Using outdated tools: Utilizing obsolete tools that may not support the latest security standards.
  • Ignoring tool integration: Failing to integrate tools into the development process, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Overreliance on tools: Neglecting human judgment and oversight in security assessments.
  • Implementation Guidelines:
  • Evaluate and select appropriate secure development tools.
  • Integrate tools into the SDLC workflow.
  • Train developers on using secure development tools.
  • Regularly review and update tools to ensure effectiveness.

4. Implementation Guidelines

4.1 Step-by-Step Process:

1. Develop a Secure Development Policy: Define a policy document outlining the organization's commitment to secure software development and its alignment with ISO 27001:2022.

2. Establish a Secure Development Team: Create a team with expertise in secure software development, security testing, and vulnerability management.

3. Implement a Secure SDLC: Define a secure SDLC framework with specific security requirements, responsibilities, and processes for each phase.

4. Develop and Enforce Secure Coding Standards: Create and implement secure coding guidelines and standards for all developers to follow.

5. Integrate Security Testing: Integrate security testing into all stages of the SDLC, including penetration testing, static code analysis, and dynamic analysis.

6. Implement Secure Configuration and Deployment Practices: Define secure configurations for all software systems and establish secure deployment procedures.

7. Develop and Implement Vulnerability Management Procedures: Establish a process for identifying, assessing, and addressing vulnerabilities throughout the SDLC.

8. Provide Security Awareness Training: Conduct ongoing security awareness training for all developers and relevant stakeholders.

9. Use Secure Development Tools: Integrate secure development tools, such as code analysis tools, security testing tools, and vulnerability scanners, into the development workflow.

10. Document Secure Development Practices: Document all secure development practices, processes, and tools used within the organization.

11. Monitor and Review Secure Development Practices: Regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of these practices and make necessary adjustments.

4.2 Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Security Team: Responsible for developing and enforcing secure development policies, providing security expertise, conducting security testing, and reviewing security updates.
  • Development Team: Responsible for implementing secure development practices, adhering to coding standards, and conducting security testing.
  • Operations Team: Responsible for deploying, maintaining, and monitoring software systems, ensuring compliance with security configurations, and managing vulnerabilities.

5. Monitoring and Review

5.1 Monitoring:

  • Track security vulnerabilities: Monitor the number and severity of security vulnerabilities identified through testing and vulnerability scanning.
  • Review security incident reports: Analyze incident reports to identify any security weaknesses or gaps in secure development practices.
  • Measure compliance with secure development standards: Track the adherence of development teams to secure coding standards and best practices.

5.2 Review and Updating:

  • Review Secure Development Practices annually: Review the effectiveness of the secure development practices at least annually to identify any areas needing improvement.
  • Update Secure Development Practices based on changes: Update the secure development practices as necessary to address emerging threats, new technologies, and changes in regulations.

6. Related Documents

  • Information Security Policy
  • Risk Assessment and Management Plan
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Vulnerability Management Policy
  • Security Awareness Training Plan
  • Software Acquisition Policy
  • Secure Software Configuration Management Plan

7. Compliance Considerations

  • ISO 27001:2022 Controls: This document addresses the controls specified in Annex A of ISO 27001:2022, particularly those related to secure software development, vulnerability management, and information security management.
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements: This document should comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding software security, data protection, and privacy, such as GDPR, CCPA, and PCI DSS.


This Secure Development Practices template provides a comprehensive framework for developing and implementing secure software within your organization. By adhering to these practices, you can ensure the security of your software applications, systems, and services while demonstrating compliance with ISO 27001:2022 and other relevant regulations. Remember to regularly review and update this document to reflect evolving security threats and best practices.