Information Security Policy Templates

Data Breach Notification Template

1. Introduction

Purpose and Scope: This Data Breach Notification Template serves as a standardized document for communicating information about data breaches to relevant stakeholders, including affected individuals, regulatory bodies, and internal parties.

Relevance to ISO 27001:2022: This template is crucial for complying with the ISO 27001:2022 standard, specifically addressing the following:

  • Information Security Policy (Clause 5.2): Demonstrates commitment to protecting sensitive data and communicating breach incidents effectively.
  • Incident Management (Clause 9.1): Outlines the process for responding to data breaches and reporting them to relevant parties.
  • Compliance (Clause 7.3): Ensures adherence to legal and regulatory requirements regarding data breach notification.

2. Key Components

The Data Breach Notification Template should include the following key components:

  • Header Information: Identifies the sender, recipient, date, and subject of the notification.
  • Breach Summary: Concisely describes the nature and scope of the data breach.
  • Affected Data: Specifies the types of personal data compromised, including names, addresses, financial details, etc.
  • Impact Assessment: Evaluates the potential impact of the breach on individuals and the organization.
  • Remediation Actions: Details the steps taken to mitigate the breach and prevent future incidents.
  • Contact Information: Provides contact details for support and further inquiries.

3. Detailed Content

A. Header Information

Explanation: This section clearly identifies the sender, recipient, date, and subject of the notification.

Best Practices: Use a professional tone and ensure accuracy in all details.


[Organization Name]

Data Breach Notification

Date: [Date of Notification]

Recipient: [Name of Individual/Organization]

Subject: Data Breach Notification – [Brief Description of the Incident]

Common Pitfalls: Avoid using generic or informal language.

B. Breach Summary

Explanation: This section summarizes the nature and scope of the data breach in a clear and concise manner.

Best Practices: Use plain language and avoid technical jargon.


**[Organization Name] recently experienced a data security incident that involved unauthorized access to a portion of our database containing [Type of Data]. This incident occurred on [Date] and affected [Number] individuals. We believe that [Details of the Breach] were accessed during this incident.

Common Pitfalls: Avoid being vague or providing insufficient details.

C. Affected Data

Explanation: This section specifies the types of personal data compromised in the breach.

Best Practices: Be specific and comprehensive in listing the affected data categories.


The following types of personal data were potentially compromised:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number
  • Credit card information

Common Pitfalls: Avoid understating the scope of the data breach.

D. Impact Assessment

Explanation: This section assesses the potential impact of the breach on individuals and the organization.

Best Practices: Consider the potential for identity theft, financial fraud, and reputational damage.


We understand that this data breach may cause concern and potential harm to the affected individuals. We are taking steps to minimize the impact and provide support to those affected.

Common Pitfalls: Avoid downplaying the severity of the breach.

E. Remediation Actions

Explanation: This section outlines the steps taken to mitigate the breach and prevent future incidents.

Best Practices: Be transparent about the actions taken and provide evidence of their effectiveness.


We have taken the following steps to address the data breach:

  • Secured the affected systems.
  • Investigated the incident to determine the root cause.
  • Notified relevant authorities, including [Name of Regulatory Body].
  • Provided credit monitoring and identity theft protection services to affected individuals.

Common Pitfalls: Avoid providing vague or incomplete details about remedial actions.

F. Contact Information

Explanation: This section provides contact details for support and further inquiries.

Best Practices: Include multiple contact methods, such as phone, email, and website.


For more information about this data breach, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:

  • Phone: [Phone Number]
  • Email: [Email Address]
  • Website: [Website Address]

Common Pitfalls: Avoid using outdated or incorrect contact information.

4. Implementation Guidelines

Step-by-step Process for Implementing the Template:

1. Develop a Data Breach Response Plan: Create a comprehensive plan outlining the steps to be taken in the event of a data breach.

2. Define Roles and Responsibilities: Identify individuals responsible for responding to data breaches, including notification, investigation, and remediation.

3. Establish Communication Channels: Determine the appropriate channels for communicating with affected individuals, regulatory bodies, and internal stakeholders.

4. Develop a Notification Template: Use this template as a starting point and adapt it to suit your organization's specific requirements and legal obligations.

5. Test and Review: Conduct regular tests and reviews of the notification process to ensure its effectiveness.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): Responsible for overseeing data protection practices and coordinating data breach responses.
  • Information Security Team: Responsible for incident response, investigation, and remediation.
  • Legal Counsel: Responsible for advising on legal requirements and regulatory compliance.
  • Communications Team: Responsible for communicating with stakeholders and managing public relations.

5. Monitoring and Review

Monitoring Effectiveness:

  • Track the time taken to notify affected individuals and authorities.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of remediation actions in preventing future breaches.
  • Collect feedback from affected individuals and stakeholders.

Frequency and Process for Reviewing and Updating:

  • The template should be reviewed and updated at least annually, or more frequently if necessary.
  • Review should include:
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Effectiveness in communicating breach information.
  • Alignment with organization's data protection policies.

6. Related Documents

  • Information Security Policy
  • Incident Management Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Privacy Policy

7. Compliance Considerations

ISO 27001:2022 Clauses and Controls:

  • Clause 9.1 Incident Management: This template supports the requirement to establish and maintain an incident management process.
  • Clause 7.3 Compliance: The template ensures adherence to legal and regulatory obligations regarding data breach notification.
  • Clause 5.2 Information Security Policy: The template demonstrates the organization's commitment to protecting sensitive data and communicating incidents transparently.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Requires organizations to notify supervisory authorities and affected individuals within 72 hours of a data breach.
  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): Requires organizations to notify California residents of data breaches affecting their personal information.
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): Requires organizations to notify individuals and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of data breaches affecting protected health information.
  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard): Requires organizations to notify card issuers of data breaches affecting credit card information.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Determining the Scope of the Breach: Conduct a thorough investigation to identify the extent of the data breach and the affected individuals.
  • Meeting Notification Deadlines: Establish clear processes and timelines to ensure timely notification to affected individuals and authorities.
  • Managing Communication: Prepare a communication plan to effectively manage communications with stakeholders and address their concerns.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Seek legal advice to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.


This comprehensive Data Breach Notification Template provides a robust framework for organizations to effectively communicate data breaches to relevant stakeholders, meet regulatory requirements, and maintain a high level of information security. Regular review and improvement of this template will ensure its ongoing effectiveness and compliance with evolving legal and regulatory landscapes.